A donation to Volunteer Central helps over 75 charities and non-profit organizations in our community.
A donation to Volunteer Central helps over 75 charities and non-profit organizations in our community.
Our partners are the stars of the show: they do great work in our community, from feeding hungry children and families to providing a safe shelter for individuals escaping from violence to helping newcomers feel welcome and settled, to helping kids struggling with reading and math, and lots more.
Funds donated to Volunteer Central support those organizations that depend on volunteers to carry out these vital works. And while we are happy to applaud these superstars on center stage, we have an essential backstage role, too.
We use your donation to:
Assist organizations and charities recruit volunteers
Support the volunteer managers develop award-winning volunteer programs
Recognize the value and impact of volunteers through special occasions such as National Volunteer Week, volunteer fairs, Volunteer of the Month Award
Promote businesses getting involved in corporate social responsibility and corporate volunteer programs
Reaching out to schools, community service groups, training programs with presentations on how to get involved in volunteering
Promoting skills-based volunteerism to help people In their job search
Offering volunteer management training and skills training for non-profit staff
Promoting careers in the non-profit sector